Repair radiators

Did you return home on a chilly winter evening only to discover your radiator not warming up or finding water beneath it?

These signs are indicators of potential issues. The Handy Lot is here to remedy the situation and ensure your home is prepared for the winter months. Our team of expert plumbers in Coventry and Leamington specialises in repairing radiators, including tasks like balancing, bleeding, and overhauling valves.


In addition to radiator repairs, our plumbers can assist you with various other plumbing services you may require, from unblocking toilets and installing garden taps to replacing showers and unblocking baths.

Request a free online booking today by filling out our form on the website or simply give us a call at 07827662220.

Radiators can malfunction at any time, but problems are often noticed during the winter months when heating is most needed. Regular radiator maintenance is crucial, especially considering that over half of UK households rely on gas central heating.

If none of your radiators are functioning, start by checking the central thermostat to ensure it's turned on and set higher than the room's current temperature.

Bleeding your radiators is essential for efficient heating and can help reduce gas heating costs. Trapped air in radiators can lead to various issues, including reduced efficiency, cold spots, and potential mold and damp problems.

Unusual noises emanating from your radiator indicate the presence of air in the pipes and necessitate bleeding. Radiators should only contain water, not air.

Balancing radiators is necessary if some radiators heat up while others remain cold, ensuring uniform heating throughout your home or office.

Leaks are another common issue with radiators, which can originate from various parts such as the radiator body, valve, spindle, gland, or pipe joint. Prompt repair of radiator leaks is essential to prevent flooding and loss of heating.

If you're experiencing any radiator issues or other plumbing concerns, don't hesitate to contact our team at 07827662220. Choose The Handy Lot for reliable radiator repairs and comprehensive plumbing services in Coventry and Leamington.